Is there such a thing as an accurate toy? The answer is, of course, no. Anyone who believes that a transformer toy is an accurate representation of the Hasbro version will be severely disappointed. A transformer is a machine, and any machine can only be as good as its user. Anyone who owns a Hasbro Transformer would be wise to learn how to troubleshoot their own Transformer and keep it in the best possible condition at all times.
Hasbro did not invent the Transformer, they bought the rights from Japan to use this technology for toys. All you need to know about accurate transformers limited edition items is to ask the original owners how they modified their machines. The simplest way to do this is by getting the serial number of your Transformer and looking up the model number on the Internet. If you don’t know the model number, you can go to a search engine like Google or Yahoo and type in the words Transformer, followed by the model number.
Now, let’s assume that your Hasbro Transformer has been sitting in your garage for a while and is no longer safe to play with. There are plenty of ways to put that piece back into action. The first thing you can try is cleaning and painting the various components of your Transformer. This will remove any paint that may be stuck to the wires or to the body itself. Using a small amount of solder, cover each connection on the transformer with the solder, press down until it looks good and try your Transformer again.
Another simple method that is often overlooked is using a little bit of dish soap and water to clean off the dirt that builds up on your favorite Transformer. The Transformers have been collecting debris since the show started, and they’re not afraid to let them out of their box. You can scrub off most of the dirt using any mild dish detergent, and again, this will leave your transformer clean and ready to play. After washing the transformer, always store in a dry place and never ever get the batteries in any way attached to the robot, as this will lead to damage and potential safety issues.
Hasbro also developed an incredibly neat product called “The Answer Key” that attaches to your Transformer and plays tunes that are pre-programmed into it. These tunes, if programmed correctly, can be used as a voice changer in case the battery in your Transformer runs out. The cool part about this is that these tunes are not only great fun for the kids (like my son). They also serve a real purpose when you run low on power, or in case of a power outage. I have not found an mp2.0 yet that actually plays songs, but the Hasbro version does a decent job.
Last but certainly not least is the all-new “Ghaziabad U.P.” line of Transformer toys. This toy set features three new transformer characters, and each character comes with its own hand-crafted PowerBot. The Transformers: Ultimate Destruction packs come with the new Combiner Wars Energon duo and the Combiner Wars Energon Omega. With these new toys, you must combine all three robots to form the mighty robot called Devastator. The Combiner Wars Energon Omega is definitely a must-have toy.

In addition to the above mentioned toys, Hasbro has also developed a number of popular and well-received video games based on the Transformer franchise. The two hottest games are undoubtedly Megatron and Robots in Disguise. Both games are highly enjoyable and entertaining. Megatron is well known among video game lovers, while Robots In disguise is more likely to appeal to those who are new to the Transformers. Both games are available for download from the official Hasbro website or can be purchased through third party retailers.
As you can see, there is a great deal of Hasbro products that you can buy as part of an accurate collection, which will allow you to keep your collection in excellent condition for years. You will never be able to thank the dedication and hard work of Hasbro’s designers if you do not own an accurate toy set. Why not visit the official Hasbro website to see the complete list of products currently available? You will certainly find something that appeals to you!